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Mock Chicken and Crunchy Veg Sandwich
Mock Chicken and Crunchy Veg Sandwich Mock Chicken and Crunchy Veg Sandwich
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Mock Chicken and Crunchy Veg Sandwich

Filed under: Lunch

preparation time

00:20 20min

Cooking time

00:00 0min


  • 150 g mock chicken, sliced thin
  • 4 slices multigrain bread
  • Herb mayonnaise (homemade or store bought)
  • 1 carrot, sliced thin (on a mandolin)
  • 3-4 radishes, sliced thin
  • ½ Cortland apple, sliced thin (leave peel on)
  • Alfalfa sprouts, to taste


  1. Place the bread slices on a work surface and spread them with the herbed mayonnaise.
  2. Arrange the carrot and radish slices over 2 slices of bread and cover with the mock chicken.
  3. Top with apple slices and sprouts and close the sandwiches.
  4. Place each sandwich in a sealable container and keep refrigerated.