With summer on the horizon, are you feeling the need for a mini health cure to revitalize your energy? Each time the season changes, whether it's fall, winter, spring or summer, experts recommend that you cleanse yourdigestive system and return to good dietary habits. Here are a few healthy and safe* ideas to help you get in the right shape to wear your favourite bathing suit this summer.
- Avoid fasting at all costs, as this will only destabilize your blood sugar levels, creating uncontrollable cravings, and often monster headaches. After all, the idea is to feel better, not worse!
- Go with an approach where you “cleanse” your digestive system with foods high in fibre and nutrition, which facilitate elimination and clean out your digestive tract.
- Plan to take your cure during the week, from Monday to Friday. Weekends are not conducive to dietary changes, since our sleep schedule and eating habits are less regular.
- Replace coffee, which is acidic and diuretic, with herbal tea or green tea. These beverages should also help relieve possible symptoms of caffeine withdrawal.
- Begin each day with a half glass of hot water mixed with lemon or lime juice (unsweetened), great for stimulating and reinvigorating the liver!
- Avoid all alcohol, but you probably knew that already…
- Plan your meals around fruit, vegetables and lean meats, such as our Smart & Natural shaved poultry products, deli meats that are enriched with fibre (and yummy, too!), and are also low in fat and gluten-free. You should avoid starchy foods, as well as dairy, desserts and soft drinks of all sorts.
- Go for the good fats, such as olive oil, avocados and nuts, which have highly beneficial anti-inflammatory properties.
- Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to cleanse your system, encourage elimination and help keep you feeling full between meals.
- Take a multivitamin each day to avoid any nutrient deficiency. Remember: it’s a health cure above all.
- Stimulating your metabolism is a superb way to cleanse your system! Combine your health cure with 20 minutes a day of physical activity, and be sure to work up a good sweat.
* We present this article for informational purposes only.It cannot take the place of medical advice. Before making any important changes to your lifestyle, you should always consult your family doctor.