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The secret to condiments

30 January, 2023

Classed under: Cooking tricks

When hunger strikes, the best solution is a quick solution. Well, we’ve got a game plan for a meal the whole family will enjoy. Hot-dogs, with only two ingredients, are an easy to make and always appreciated recipe. Add some interesting condiments and you’ve got a winning trio! Add a delicious twist to this unbeatable meal with our creative suggestions.

The secret’s in the sauce
Score some points at dinner by putting the sauce front and center. This way, everyone can adapt their hot dogs to their style. No need to be a pro in the kitchen: breakaway from classic condiments for a memorable hat trick. For instance, add soy sauce to your ketchup, herbs to the mayo, and liven up mustard with a hint of cari!

When freshness takes you coast to coast
Don’t hesitate to play with textures to switch things up. Adding fresh ingredients to your condiments is a good strategy. Choose a few fruits and vegetables and give your team a meal that packs a punch to satisfy their hunger. Manga and pineapple salsa, sliced jalapenos and red onions, cilantro from the garden… the possibilities are endless. And to play in the big leagues, go with the seasons! If you’re a super-fan, why not customize your hot dog with your favourite team’s colours?

Outplay your tastebuds
Why stay in your comfort zone? Take some risks with your pairings!Guacamole, kimchi, coleslaw, fried onions, or blue cheese; have some fun. Dare to add several ingredients for a tasty power play.

The perfect line-up
Remember: creativity in the kitchen knows no bounds. Next time hot dogs are on the menu, garnish them with toppings that inspire you and that switch it up. A formula that is bound to make you the night’s MVP!